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Training Tidbit: I have outstanding purchase orders and requisitions that will not be converted to invoices and purchase orders.  How can I remove these items?

Use the Cancel Outstanding Purchase Orders option to cancel the remaining balances for all line items for outstanding purchase orders within a specific date range.  To access the Cancel Outstanding Purchase Orders option, select the Options menu from the Accounts Payable screen, and then Cancel Outstanding Purchase Orders.  For step-by-step instructions, see the Cancelling Outstanding Purchase Orders topic in the Help File.

Use the Cancel Outstanding/Rejected Requisitions option to cancel the remaining balances for all the line items for outstanding requisitions (those that have been approved but are not yet converted to purchase orders) and rejected requisitions (those that were rejected but not yet cancelled or deleted) within a specific date range.  To access the Cancel Outstanding/Rejected Requisitions option, select the Requisitions menu from the Accounts Payable screen, and then Cancel Outstanding/Rejected Requisitions.  For step-by-step instructions, see the Cancelling Outstanding/Rejected Requisitions topic in the Help File.