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Affordable Care Act Hours Tracking Option

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1:00 - 3:00 pm

The Affordable Care Act Hours Tracking Option Webinar is a live, online presentation.  During this interactive webinar, participants will learn how to utilize the Affordable Care Act Hours Tracking option in the School Accounting System to view hours worked for new and ongoing employees in order to determine if the employees are considered full time (or trending towards full time) and then must be offered health insurance.  The Affordable Care Act Hours Tracking Completion Checklist will be reviewed in detail.  The steps for creating the measurement, administrative, and stability periods for ongoing and new employees; completing the ACA Hours screen of the Employee File; and using the Adjust Affordable Care Act Hours Data option will be covered.  Time will be spent at the end of the webinar answering questions during a Question and Answer (Q & A) session.

Note:  The times listed for the webinar are Central Time.