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Payroll End of Calendar Year Checklist for ACA 1095-B and 1094-B Forms

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1.5 Hours

During the Payroll End of Calendar Year Checklist for ACA 1095-B and 1094-B Forms Webinar, participants will learn how to complete the steps pertaining to the Affordable Care Act 1095-B and 1094-B forms on the Payroll End of Calendar Year Checklist in the School Accounting System. Reminder, the 1095-B and 1094-B forms are applicable for self-insured small employers. The steps to generate, print, and email 1095-Bs; print the 1094-B form; set up 1095-Bs to be viewed in Web Link; and submit the 1095-Bs and 1094-B to the Internal Revenue Service will be reviewed. This webinar is designed for users who did not attend an End of Calendar Year Workshop or phone training.