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Software Version Release Notes:

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Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • Accounts Payable>Check Cycle
    • Check details were not splitting correctly across multiple checks in some instances. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Government Reporting
    • The 2024 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC Form changes are included in this release and according to the Internal Revenue Service, electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2025.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • The 2024 changes for the Employees W2s are included in this release.
    • The 2024 Affordable Care Act (ACA) B Form changes are included in this release and according to the Internal Revenue Service, electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2025.
    • The 2024 Affordable Care Act (ACA) C Form changes are included in this release and according to the Internal Revenue Service, electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2025.
    • The 403B Reporting for Voya has been updated to now export 401A, 401A Roth, 403B, 403B Roth, 457, and 457B Roth Files. The Deduction Tab should be updated to report 401A values if needed.
    • Missouri: In the Missouri GASB 68 Report option, a new tab called View GASB 68 Audit, and a new Export GASB 68 Audit Report have been added to assist when balancing for the State Auditor.
    • Illinois: The Illinois Employment Information System has been updated. Select the Import Data Elements option, located under the Options menu, to update the Position Codes.
    • North Dakota: The North Dakota PERS Deferred Compensation Report and North Dakota Public Employees Retirement Report have been updated to allow for the new DC2025 Defined Contribution Plans available January 1, 2025.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Employee Information>Leaves
    • In the mobile version of Leave Request Entry, the unsubmitted grid was not displaying when selecting the Requisition Entry option. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: Idaho Annual Statement of Financial Condition for 2024 has been released and is updated.
  • Negotiations>Reports
    • Employee Negotiation Rates Wage Report, Package Comparison Report by Employee with Benefits, and Package Comparison Report by Employee without Benefits have been updated to no longer combine employees with the same first and last name.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
  • Payroll>Options
    • The Export Grid option was no longer working on the Direct Deposit Prenotification screen. This has been corrected.
  • K12 Docs Update Changes
    • In the Add Content window, the currency/decimal type fields were not allowing decimals. This has been corrected.
    • The Secure and Authorization Based Lookups were sometimes being ignored or used incorrectly. This has been corrected.
    • The Direct 2 Document link has been updated to allow users to update attributes while document is open.
    • There were various issues with downloading and publishing .TIF documents that have been corrected.
    • The Document Viewer page count is now handling missing pages correctly by updating the page count when a document is moved or deleted.
    • The Folder View now auto-selects first available document when subfolders are enabled.
    • The publisher popup will now open at the correct level (folder or document) and allow the page range to be per file.
    • The Beginning Page/End Page fields have been replaced with a total page count for each document in the Folder View grid.
    • File names with dashes and spaces were causing issues when downloading and publishing. This has been corrected.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Kansas: The Budget Report for 2024-2025 generate screen was showing a Fund 57. This has been corrected.
    • North Dakota: The Certificate of Levy was not reporting the summary for the Safety Fund Levy on the first page. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • In 403b Reporting, AFPlanServ was not showing deductions flagged as Employee on the Contribution tab. This has been corrected.
    • Idaho: Idaho Staff Reporting was updated with new permitted values. To see the new values, schools will need to reimport permitted values under the Options Menu.
    • Illinois: Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report doubled contributions when it included two payrolls with different schedule dates. This has been corrected.
    • Iowa: A new option to create the Iowa State Education Association Report (ISEA) – Bargaining Unit List has been added.
    • Missouri: MOSIS has been updated to pull the email address when going to the Edit Core Data tab.
    • Nebraska: Nebraska Staff Reporting has been updated to remove the option of Allowable Locally Approved Means under the Paraprofessional Assessment.
  • Payroll>Reports
    • A new report called Employee Leave Liability Report has been added to the standard Employee Reports (PR).
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • Kansas State Income Tax new withholding tables were released effective July 1, 2024. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:


Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • System Wide
    • The Web Link module has been updated to allow for Beta Testing of Requisitions.
  • System Wide
    • Users were able to open the same data entry batch more than once. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Data Entry
    • If fields were hidden in the detail section of Purchase Orders, users received an error when deleting rows. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: The Annual Report for 2023-2024 and Idaho Financial Transparency Data Collection account codes have been updated to match the recently released ISEE file. Idaho Annual Statement of Financial Condition for 2024 has not been released but will be included in a future update.
    • Illinois: The Annual Report for 2023-2024 is now available.
    • Kansas: The Budget Report for 2024-2025 has been released. School Accounting System-Online Customers received the updated file on 7/11/2024 during the maintenance window.
  • Payroll>Data Entry
    • Users were unable to import Payment in Kind entries into Pay Period Entries and Employee Absences. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Iowa: The Iowa Public Employment Relations Board Report option and export file has been updated.
    • Wyoming: The Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report has been updated for the Fall of 2024 WDE602 and Spring 2025 WDE652 filing.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The Ohio Department of Taxation released new withholding tables effective July 1, 2024. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:


Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • System Wide
    • There will be changes for those using the School Accounting System-Online version to have Integrated Security in the near future. With these changes, all Backup options will be hidden as backups are maintained and handled in your environment automatically.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: The Annual Report for 2023-2024 is now available. Idaho Annual Statement of Financial Condition for 2023-2024 has not been released but will be included in a future update. The Four Year Summary Report for the Idaho Budget Report was showing the incorrect years in the column headings. This has been corrected.
    • Illinois: The Annual Report for 2023-2024 has not been released by the Illinois State Board of Education but will be included in a future update once it is available. The Budget Report for 2024-2025 is now available.
    • Iowa: The GASB 34 Reports for 2023-2024 are now available and there are no changes to the Annual Report process.
    • Kansas: The Budget Report for 2024-2025 has not yet been released by the Department of Education but will be included in a future update once it is available.
    • Missouri: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2023-2024 are now available.
    • Nebraska: The GASB 34 Reports for 2023-2024 are now available and there are no changes to the Annual Report process.
    • North Dakota: The Annual Reports, GASB 34 Reports, Certificate of Levy, Special Education Unit Budget, and ESSA Report for 2023-2024 are now available.
    • South Dakota: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2023-2024 are now available.
    • Wyoming: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2023-2024 are now available.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • When running flexible financials, the Budget Balance at End of Month field was including outstanding invoices for schools on a Cash Basis. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The Idaho State Tax Commission released new withholding tables on May 21, 2024. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • System Wide
    • The Web Link module has been updated to allow for Beta Testing of Requisitions.
  • Accounts Payable>Maintenance
    • When adding a Sales Tax ID in the Vendor File, it returned an error when trying to save. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: The 2024-2025 Idaho Budget Report is now available.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Iowa: The Iowa Budget Summary Report was returning accounts as invalid that are valid. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Voya 403b Reporting was creating blank files for 403b, 403b Roth, 457, and 457 Roth, if there was nothing to report. The software will now only create files if they have data to report.


Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • K12Docs
    • The K12Docs connection has been updated for the 3/26/2024 K12Docs update.
  • General Ledger>Data Entry
    • Kansas: Sales Tax for Activity Fund Entries in Cash Receipts was not calculating correctly. A patch was already previously applied to SAS-Online customers and onsite customers were contacted by Customer Support to apply the patch. The program has now been updated with this fix.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Iowa: The Annual Report was updated to export in a CSV format.
    • Idaho: The Annual Report was reporting the Revenue Account Code 460000 as invalid. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Data Entry
    • In employee absences, if you were making multiple entries for contracts where the absence from contract field is selected by default, upon saving, only the line that had the focus saved the absence from contract checkbox. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Employees
    • When importing Employee Contract Information Excluding Amounts, some contract information was being removed. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • 403B Reporting for Voya has been updated to now export 403B, 403B Roth, 457, and 457B Roth Files. The Deduction Tab should be updated to report 457 values.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • K12Docs
    • The K12Docs connection has been updated for the 3/26/2024 K12Docs update.

A tutorial of the K12 Docs changes can be found here:

  • The K12Docs main screen has been updated.
    • Once logged in, the domain name and User ID now appear in the top left of the screen, and there is different coloring for selected columns and buttons.
    • The Signout option has been relocated to the Tools menu.
    • An update has been made to the Inbox menu, which is used with search activity workflows. Click the down-arrow button to the right of the Inbox button to select the new Default and Order options. Default lists search activity workflows in alphabetical order within each application; and Order lists search activity workflows in order by the number of occurrences, from the greatest number to least.
  • Several enhancements have been made when searching in K12Docs:
    • When searching from the main screen, all folders will display when searching instead of limiting to only 550 records.
    • When searching from the main screen, a drop-down field for the scope was added next to the Search button to search by Folders, Attributes, or Documents.
    • The Use ‘OR’ field was relocated to be on the main screen, and a tooltip now appears when hovering over the field.
    • When searching on the folder level, the column being searched on was changed to appear in red.
    • Columns in the search results can now be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking directly on the column heading/name.
    • A folder listed in the search results can be downloaded by right-clicking and selecting the Open Publisher option.
    • The Export button has been relocated to under the search results.
    • When searching on the document level, the Create User field was added to the list of document attributes.
    • The Create User field was also added when searching on the attribute level, and when searching on the attribute level, a column for Subfolder was added in the search results.
    • When completing a Fulltext search, it is no longer required to enclose phrases in quotes. For a document that matches the search criteria, FTX displays at the end of the Pages/Files column on the portfolio tab. In addition, the Search Results field on the portfolio tab is filled out for the Fulltext search from the main screen, so users can advance to different documents matching results within a folder. If multiple folders have documents matching the search criteria, use the Previous Folder and Next Folder buttons to advance to other documents/folders.
  • Indexing now allows for batch files to be indexed for applications with only one subfolder.
  • The K12Docs Portfolio screen has been updated.
    • When viewing a folder, the Portfolio screen has been updated to display the Folder ID in the top left corner.
    • Subfolders containing documents are now green, and empty subfolders are orange.
    • If desired, hover over the arrows on the splitter bar to see a tool tip to collapse or expand the left or right pane. The double-headed arrow can be used to resize the panes.
    • Within a subfolder, the list of documents is broken into panes of .TIF files first, and then other files. The .TIF files have been updated to display the page numbers and total number of pages in the Pages/Files column (in blue text), instead of the word ‘Images’. The .PDF and other file types still display the name of the file that was added in the Pages/Files column (in green text).
    • Columns in the list of document attributes can now be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking directly on the column heading/name.
    • Continuous scroll feature now available (when previewing) for all document types other than .TIF files.
    • Can right-click on a subfolder now and select Refresh Pagesets to update the list of documents and attributes (for example, if change document attributes).
    • Manage menu added and includes the options to Transfer, Publish Folder, and Delete Folder.
    • Transfer feature available to move misfiled documents:
      • To move a document, select the document, right-click on the document, and select Transfer Select (Pageset); then select the Subfolder in which to move the document, right-click on the subfolder, select Transfer Endpoint, choose to Copy or Move, and click Apply. (Note: If the document is a multiple-page .TIF file and only one page within the document needs to be moved, advance to the desired page to move (on the preview screen), and then right-click on the document to move and select Transfer Select (Page) instead.)
      • All documents in one subfolder can be transferred by right-clicking on the subfolder and selecting Transfer Select.
      • Select Transfer under the Manage menu and then Clear to delete (clear) the transfer cache if needed.
      • Select Transfer under the Manage menu and then Folder to copy/move all the contents in the current folder to a different folder. To transfer the full folder contents, select the Transfer menu, select Folder, close the portfolio, select the other folder in which to move/copy the documents, select any subfolder right-click on the subfolder, select Transfer Endpoint, select to Copy or Move, and then click Apply.
    • The Add Content screen was updated.
    • Combine Images Single Pageset field is a new field that if selected, will combine multiple .TIF files together as one file when uploading.
    • Multiple files can now be selected to upload all at once using the same attributes. Click the Upload File button to see the document appear in the list of files to upload and repeat until documents to index and file are listed; then complete the attributes and click the Submit button.
    • Remove button added to delete a selected document from the list of documents to index and file.
      • The message for ‘Content added successfully’ now appears to the right of the Submit button.
      • The screen is now automatically refreshed after adding a document once the Add Content screen is closed.
    • Search button added to allow a search in the Folder by choosing a Scope to search on. Search scope includes Bookmarks, Notes, Create Time, Create User, Virtual File Title, Attributes, or Full Text. Once search scope is completed, fill out the appropriate fields for Attributes, Lookup Items, and Search Value. Wildcard characters are available for use in the search criteria. If search results are found, the search screen closes and displays the results in the new Bookmark drop-down section. Click on results to open a document. If no match is found, ‘No content found matching search criteria’ message will display. As long as the portfolio tab is opened, the search criteria is retained when selecting the Search button again.
    • Documents can now also be deleted by right-clicking on the document and selecting Delete to delete a document. To delete all documents in a subfolder, right-click on a subfolder and select Delete.
    • Publish feature was updated.
      • A document can be published by right-clicking on the document, and selecting Publish and then Open, or selecting Download. The Download option is disabled for .TIF files.
      • The Publish screen was updated to include ‘View Now’ and ‘Download’ instead of ‘Open’ and ‘Save’.
      • Multiple documents can be published by right-clicking on document, and selecting Publish and then Select. The document will be highlighted in blue. To select additional documents to publish, either drag the blue highlighted area over the additional documents to publish, or use CTRL key and click on additional documents to publish; then right-click, select Publish and Open (or else select Unselect to deselect documents).
    • Previous Folder and Next Folder buttons were added to the right of the Manage menu, and allow navigation to the previous or next folder and shows the number of records (folders).
    • Find feature, shown above list of documents within a subfolder, allows a search on the attributes. Key in the search criteria and click Find. Any matching results in the list of documents will be boldfaced and in blue text.
    • Save E-Sign button, which is used after adding a signature, was relocated to now displays on the top of the preview screen.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • System Wide>Email
    • All Emailing options through the School Account System now allow for a Reply To Email Address.
  • Main Menu>Maintenance
    • The Email Manager General Options tab includes a new option for Use Hosted Mail Server for organizations using the School Accounting System-Online. This field will automatically be selected during the update if the hosted mail server is currently being used.
    • The From Email Addresses tab in the Email Manager has been renamed to be Email Addresses and includes a new field for the Reply To Email Address. The Reply To Email Address field will allow a user to enter an email address to be used if a recipient replies to the email sent (typically used when sending emails from our hosted mail server).
  • General Ledger>Data Entry
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Iowa: The Annual Report was updated to report Revenue and Expenditure accounts for Funds 9X.
  • General Ledger>Maintenance
  • General Ledger>Options
    • Kansas: The Cash Receipt Inquiry has been updated to show the new Sale Tax information.
  • General Ledger>Reports
    • Kansas: Two new reports named Cash Receipt Listing – Sales Tax and Sales Tax Listing have been added.
    • The Fund File Listing was updated to include the new Sales Tax Revenue Account field.
  • Human Resources>Reports
    • When running Position Detail Listing for Filled & Open Positions, positions were showing multiple times if they had more than one employee history tied to them. This has been corrected.
  • Negotiations>Options
    • Update Payroll with Packages was sometimes not calculating the Absence Per Day Rate correctly. This has been corrected.
  • Negotiations>Report
    • The Employee Step/Lane Listing – Employee File has been updated to include more parameter options when running the report.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • The 2024 Quarterly 941 and Schedule B electronic filing process are included in this release as well as the printable reports.
    • Missouri: The Missouri Retirement Report has been updated to report Retirement Salary of 0 for the Wage Type of O.
  • Payroll> Reports
    • Benefit Management Export – Census Information report has been updated to include Business Email Address. The Benefit Statement Report was updated to print the Deduction Check Description.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Data Entry>Cash Receipts
    • Kansas: Cash Receipts has been updated to allow for Sales Tax to be applied to Activity Fund entries as long as the School Account System has the new feature set up.
  • Data Entry>Requisition Entry
    • When defined to Send First Emails Only to Approvers in the School Accounting System, Web Link was still sending multiple emails. This has been corrected.
  • Main Menu>Maintenance
    • In the General Options for the Email Manager, Enable SSL, Mail Server, and Port Number fields are now enabled for those using the School Accounting System-Online version.
  • Accounts Receivable>Government Reporting
    • When selecting the Copy Totals to State option while on the General tab in the Vendor 1099s option, the City, State, and Zip Code was being removed. After completing these fields again and saving, an error was being returned. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Iowa: The 2024-2025 Iowa Budget Summary Report is now available.
    • Missouri: The Missouri SDAC report has been updated to include the quarter dates for 2024.
  • Negotiations>Maintenance
    • When calculating Salary Totals for unit packages, the amounts were not taking into account the Additional Percent field on the Employee Wages. This had been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Missouri: The Missouri GASB 68 Report has been updated to include an option to generate by Processing Month.
  • Payroll>Options
    • Balancing information was including Voided Expense Payroll Amounts. This has been corrected.


  • Accounts Payable>Government Reporting
    • When submitting 1099s to the new IRIS system, errors were being returned on foreign addresses. Additionally, when submitting a 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC to the same vendor, you were only able to submit corrections for the last submitted form. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Government Reporting
    • When submitting 1099s to the new IRIS system, errors were being returned on the contact phone number. This has been corrected.


  • Accounts Payable>Government Reporting
    • When validating the 1099 amounts, the system was not looking at the minimum to report amount. This has been updated to only validate 1099’s that are over the minimum to report dollar amount.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • North Dakota State Income Tax Rates have been released and updated.
    • Montana State Income Tax Rates have been updated. Note: If employees do not fill out a new Montana State W4, it will calculate their taxes using the Single Table Rates for 2024.
    • In the Employee File on the taxes tab, the SIT IA rate tables have been updated to include Other, Head of Household, Married filing jointly (Spouse does not have earned income) and Married filing jointly (Spouse has earned income). Note: This change was made to more closely match the W4 form, however, this setting does not factor into how the state defines how to calculate the employee’s tax amount. Also, the Employee Taxes grid was updated to show Total Allowances.
    • When importing taxes into the Employee File, users received an error on the Total Allowances column. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Reports
    • Employee Listing-Tax Information Report, Employee Detail Listing for Payroll Report, Employee Detail Listing with Signature Line Report, and Employee Check Calculation Report were all updated to show Total Allowances.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Employee Information>Contact Information
    • In some instances, if the Employee File only had the Employee Name filled out for an employee, when trying to update the phone number in the Contact Information screen, you would receive an error. This has been corrected.
  • Employee Information>Personal Information
    • The Federal W4 option has been updated to include the 2024 Form W-4 from the Internal Revenue Service.


  • Accounts Payable>Data Entry
    • In Invoices, when selecting the View Documents button, it will now display the Document Inquiry Screen to show all documents tied to the invoice you are currently viewing. For example, all documents previously uploaded for an invoice display, in addition to the documents uploaded for a purchase order or requisition tied to the invoice, if applicable.
    • In Purchase Orders, when selecting the View Documents button, it will now display the Document Inquiry Screen to show all documents tied to the purchase order you are currently viewing. For example, all documents previously uploaded for a purchase order display, in addition to the documents uploaded for an invoice or requisition tied to the purchase order, if applicable.
  • Accounts Payable>Government Reporting
    • Several enhancements have been made in the Vendor 1099s option to allow for A2A (Application to Application) 1099 E-filing with IRIS:
      • A new Submit Electronic File to IRS screen has been added which allows for electronic submission of 1099 files to the IRS. Electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2024.
      • A new IRS Submissions screen has been added which allows for viewing submissions and their return information from the IRS.
      • The Create State Electronic File screen allows the creation of only State files to submit to the state.
      • An option to print corrected 1099 forms through SAS has been added.
      • The IRS 2023 changes for the Vendor 1099s are included in this release.
      • More information on the new process can be found in the help file:
  • Accounts Payable>Maintenance
    • The Vendor File Tax Information, on the Miscellaneous Tab, has been updated to accommodate the new IRIS A2A filing process. A new field called 1099 Name Format allows to you choose the naming format for reporting the Vendor Name and Additional Recipient Name on the 1099 form.
  • General Ledger>Reports
    • Flexible Financial Reports with the formula for Outstanding Accounts Payable wasn’t always reporting correctly if you had an invoice voided in a Fiscal Year where the report is being run, but the original invoice is not in those Fiscal Years. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • The 2023 Affordable Care Act (ACA) B Form changes are included in this release and according to the Internal Revenue Service, electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2024.
    • The 2023 Affordable Care Act (ACA) C Form changes are included in this release and according to the Internal Revenue Service, electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2024.
    • The 2023 changes for the Employees W2s are included in this release.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The Ohio Department of Taxation released new withholding tables effective November 1, 2023. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:

An update is available for the School Accounting System and the Web Link add-on module. Click the following link to learn more about the latest enhancements:

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: Idaho Financial Transparency Data Collection Report has been updated to include a new column for Adjustment Journal Entry.
    • Iowa: The Iowa Annual Report and the GASB 34 Report have been updated to have Fund 19 Non-Fiduciary Scholarship Funds report separately.
  • General Ledger>Maintenance
    • Flexible Financial Report Setup has a new field available for Posted New Budget. This new field includes all budget entries in Posted New Budget Batches.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: Idaho Retirement Report was inflating hours for expensed Pay Period Entries. This has been corrected.
    • Illinois: Illinois Employment Information System Report was giving a divide by zero error for employees with only voided wages. This has been corrected.
    • Wyoming: Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report has been updated to remove all GPA fields from the Education File.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The comma in the Pay Rate field on check stubs was being cut off. To correct this, you will need to bring up the correct format in Check Setup – Employees option and resave the format.
    • Alabama State Income Tax has been added to the list of available state taxes in the tax file.
  • Payroll>Options
    • Leave Request Options were allowing Leave Approval Paths and FMLA Approval Paths to save with the User ID blank when the Approval Tree was set to Specific User which caused errors. This has been corrected.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Reports
    • When running reports, some subreport parameters were not working. This has been corrected.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • Accounts Payable>Requisitions
    • When recalling requisitions, some approvers were receiving emails when they shouldn’t have been. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Wyoming: The Annual Report for 2022-2023 has been updated.
  • Human Resources>Maintenance
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Illinois: Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report is no longer accepting BW (back wage) as a payment reason. This payment reason has been removed.
    • Missouri: MOSIS has added a new race/ethnicity option of O for the Core Data.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
  • Payroll>Options
    • When recalling leave requests, some approvers were receiving emails when they shouldn’t have been. This has been corrected.


Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Employee Information>Leave Request Entry
    • When recalling leave requests, some approvers were receiving emails when they shouldn’t have been. This has been corrected.
  • Data Entry>Requisition Entry
    • When recalling requisitions, some approvers were receiving emails when they shouldn’t have been. This has been corrected.
  • System Wide
    • We have enhanced the Program Suggestions and Request Support options to allow for adding a file attachment.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: The Annual Report and Financial Transparency Report have been updated to include new codes from the state.
    • Illinois: The Illinois Annual Report for 2022-2023 and Illinois Budget Report for 2023-2024 are now available.
    • Kansas: The Kansas Budget Report for 2023-2024 is now available.
    • North Dakota: The Certificate of Levy was returning #REF instead of dates in the column headings. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The Illinois State Income Tax personal allowance amount changed on June 7, 2023. If you haven’t already changed the table manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:
    • The North Dakota State Income Tax new withholding tables were released on May 27, 2023. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax tables information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:
    • When Adjusting Leave Balances, at times not all the results were showing when selecting display. This has been corrected.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • System Wide
    • We have enhanced the Program Suggestions option with a new interface. Instead of taking you to our website for submissions, you can now enter suggestions right through the School Accounting System. For more information on this new feature, please visit our help file:
    • If you have Allow Enter for Save and Clear set up in the user options, when you were typing a message in Create a Support Request and hit enter, it was clearing the message. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: The Annual Report for 2022-2023 is now available.
    • Illinois: The Annual Report for 2022-2023 and Budget Report for 2023-2024 have not yet been released by the Illinois State Board of Education but will be included in a future update once they are available.
    • Kansas: The Budget Report for 2022-2023 has not yet been released by the Department of Education but will be included in a future update once it is available.
    • North Dakota: The Annual Reports, GASB 34 Reports, Certificate of Levy, Special Education Unit Budget, and ESSA Report for 2022-2023 are now available.
    • South Dakota: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2022-2023 are now available.
  • Accounts Payable>Requisitions
    • If the Requisition Options are set to allow Recall of Requisitions, the Recall Submitted Requisitions button will now allow the recall of requisitions that have been approved but are not yet tied to a purchase order.
  • Payroll>Data Entry
    • Due to functionality of the field, Pay Rate has been removed from the set screen preferences for both Pay Period Entries and Employee Absences.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The Idaho State Tax Commission released new withholding tables on May 17, 2023. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:


Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Data Entry>Requisition Entry
    • If the Requisition Options are set to allow Recall of Requisitions in the School Accounting System, the Recall Submitted Requisitions button will now allow the recall of requisitions that have been approved but are not yet tied to a purchase order.
  • K12Docs Host Site Manager
    • K12Docs now allows for the enabling of two factor authentication in K12Docs and Host Site Manager. If you want to enable two factor authentication, please contact customer support.
    • The Login Screen for K12Docs and Host Site Manager has been updated to two screens. The first screen requiring the Domain Name and User Name with the second screen requesting the password.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: The Budget Reports for 2023-2024 are now available.
    • Illinois: The Annual Report for 2022-2023 and Budget Report for 2023-2024 have not yet been released by the Illinois State Board of Education but will be included in a future update once they are available.
    • Iowa: The GASB 34 Reports for 2022-2023 are now available and there are no changes to the Annual Report process.
    • Kansas: The Budget Report for 2022-2023 has not yet been released by the Department of Education but will be included in a future update once it is available.
    • Missouri: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2022-2023 are now available.
    • Nebraska: The GASB 34 Reports for 2022-2023 are now available and there are no changes to the Annual Report process.
    • North Dakota: The Annual Reports, GASB 34 Reports, Certificate of Levy, Special Education Unit Budget, and ESSA Report for 2022-2023 have not yet been released by the Department of Education but will be included in a future update once available.
    • South Dakota: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2022-2023 have not been released but will be included in a future update once available.
    • Wyoming: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2022-2023 are now available.
  • Accounts Payable>Data Entry
    • The Copy Invoice process was not taking into account fields hidden by the user that was making the copy. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Requisitions
    • The Chart of Account Number field on the Requisition Approval screen was being limited by account group for the user that was approving. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • When making an employee inactive in the Employee File, you will now receive a prompt if the employee is tied to a user asking if you would like to inactive that user instead of automatically inactivating the user.
    • When Combining IDs in the Employee File, some users were unable to combine IDs if the employees were tied to Time Card entries. This has been corrected.
    • Users were receiving errors importing contracts or unit pays if the import file contained multiple unspaced chart of account numbers. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Idaho: The Idaho Retirement report has been updated with the following changes:
      • The prompt that displays for employees that are missing a Schedule Name/Frequency Code in the Idaho Retirement Report has been updated to include missing employees that have wages for pay codes defined with a Pay Type and Earning Type on the Pay Code tab.
      • The report was updated to only include wages that have a pay code with a Pay Type and Earning Type defined on the Pay Code tab.
      • The report was updated to allow for reporting of Retired Contributing Members with a Record Type of FM. The Contribution Code of F – Retired Contributing Member has been added to the Custom Referenced Field.
      • The Contribution Class 3 description was updated from Teacher to School Employee.
    • Illinois: The Illinois Monthly Teacher Retirement Report has been updated to include the SSP contributions categories Discretionary Matching Contributions (09) and Discretionary Non-elective Contributions (10).
    • Iowa: The W2s were updated to allow School IDs for the State of Iowa that are nine digits.
    • Missouri: MOSIS now includes two new Educator Highest Degrees of 36HR – 36 Semester Hours for Substitute Certificate and 20HR – 20 Hour Substitute Certificate.
    • Wyoming: The Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report was incorrectly displaying zip codes with 9 digits on the Employee Template. This has been corrected.
  • Fixed Asset Inventory>Options
    • Users that are not set up as Supervisor were unable to email from the View Room Inventory Status screen. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • When submitting prior year corrections for ACA 1095s, some files were being rejected. This has been corrected.
    • The 2023 Quarterly 941 and electronical filing process are included in this release. There are no changes to the Schedule B for tax year 2023.
    • The Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report Create Employee File format has been updated with the newly released changes for the Employee Template.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
  • System Wide
    • The backup process has been updated to allow you to continue to work while it is completing the backup copy process. If a backup copy is selected to be made, once the system finishes making the initial .bak file, the backup window will close and continue working in the background until the process is complete.
  • Accounts Receivable>Data Entry
    • On the Payments screen, the detail information grid will now display the Invoice/Payment Transaction ID and Invoice/Payment Department ID for reference.
    • Prepaid Invoices detail information grid includes the Payment Department ID for reference.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Iowa: The 2023-2024 Iowa Budget Summary Report is now available.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Missouri: The Missouri SDAC report has been updated to include the quarter dates for 2023.
  • Payroll>Employees
    • Two new imports were added to the employee file for updating employee wage information without updating amounts: Import Contract Information Excluding Amounts and Import Unit Pay Information Excluding Amounts.
    • Import Contracts and Import Unit Pay were updated to allow ten Chart of Account Numbers, Split Percents, and Split Dollars.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • When creating the W2 Electronic File, if you changed the email address field, the change was not saving. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • Illinois: The unemployment taxable wage base increased to $13,271 for 2023.


  • Payroll>Maintenance
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Illinois: The Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report was including payroll batches selected in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Report – New Format. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • When creating the W2 Electronic File, the software was reporting a blank delivery address if address line 2 was blank causing errors in Accuwage. Since delivery address is required, it will now pull address line 1 for the delivery address if address line 2 is blank.
  • Payroll>Options
    • The Employee/Payee Inquiry was showing IBAD (Individual Bank Account Deductions) checks incorrectly. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Reports
    • The Payee Register Report was showing IBAD (Individual Bank Account Deductions) checks incorrectly. This has been corrected.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) B Forms were returning an error when printing. This has been corrected.
    • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) C Forms were returning an error when printing. This has been corrected.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Employee Information>Payroll and Compensation
    • When using the view/print option for 1095s, the software was returning an error. This has been corrected.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

Note: The Web Link module has been updated to target Microsoft .NET version 4.8. You will be prompted to install a newer version of .NET if your machine does not already contain the appropriate version.

  • Employee Information>Personal Information
    • The Federal W4 option has been updated to include the 2023 Form W-4 from the Internal Revenue Service.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • System Wide
    • The School Accounting System has been updated to target Microsoft .NET version 4.8. You will be prompted to install a newer version of .NET if your machine does not already contain the appropriate version.
  • Accounts Payable>Data Entry
    • In some instances, when selecting the Delete Zero Entries on the Post Entries screen in Invoices, not all zero entries were being deleted. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Government Reporting
    • Several enhancements have been made in the Vendor 1099s option:
      • A new General screen has been added which allows for payer specific information, including employer name and address, to be entered and utilized only for the 1099s.
      • A new field, Recipient Address Formatted with Extra Spacing, has been added on the Print 1099s screen in both the 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC options, and can be selected if the vendor’s name and address on the 1099s should print with extra space between the lines for the name, address, and city/state/zip (for example to match the preprinted headings on the Copy A).
      • The Create Electronic File screen has been modified slightly because several fields were moved to the new General screen.
      • The IRS 2022 changes for the Vendor 1099s are included in this release.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • In the Employee File, when using the next record button along with the repeat feature on a date field, in some instances the record was not being saved. This has been corrected.
    • The Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Taxation released new withholding tables on October 1, 2022. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Several enhancements have been made to the Employee W2s option:
      • A new General screen has been added which allows for employer specific information, including employer name and address, to be entered and utilized only for the W2s.
      • A new field, Employee Address Formatted with Extra Spacing, has been added to the Print W2s screen and can be selected if the employee’s first name, middle name, last name, and suffix should be spaced out on the W2 (for example to match the preprinted headings on the Copy A).
      • The Create Electronic File screen has been modified because several fields were moved to the new General screen and additional fields were added for creating a file for the state of Idaho.
      • The IRS 2022 changes for the Employee W2s are included in this release.
    • The 2022 Affordable Care Act (ACA) B Form changes are included in this release and according to the Internal Revenue Service, electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2023.
    • The 2022 Affordable Care Act (ACA) C Form changes are included in this release and according to the Internal Revenue Service, electronic filing for these forms will not be available until mid-January 2023.
  • Payroll>Reporting
    • The PR Employee Earnings view group in Report Writer has been updated to include the vprEmployee PersonnelNumeric information.
  • Accounts Receivable>Statement Cycle
    • A new option, Post Statement Reports, has been added to the Statement Cycle menu and can be used to print customer mailing labels for statements.
  • Accounts Receivable>Maintenance
    • Customer mailing labels have been added to the system. Users can set up custom labels in the Label Setup option or use the Standard Mailing Labels for Accounts Receivable format. The mailing labels can then be printed for batches, customers, or statements using the specific report selection in these various options as well as from the Reports menu on the main screen.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

  • Data Entry>Cash Receipts
    • The default cash account number was not appearing in the Detail Information section when using a chart of account number for Idaho. This has been corrected.
  • Master Menu>Utilities
    • A new option, Audit Data, has been added to the Activity Log screen. This option allows a user to view the audit records tracked for record changes, additions, and deletions in all modules of the School Accounting System for a particular date range for selected users. Refer to the Activity Log topic in the Help File.
  • General Ledger>Options
    • When using the Adjust Posted Entries option for an accounts payable adjustment, the New Chart of Account Number field will now show all account numbers.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Wyoming: When manually adding a line to the Edit screen in the Wyoming Annual Report, the system was returning an error when selecting a Project Number. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Requisitions
    • The system was returning an error when copying an existing approval tree to create a new one and the existing tree had chart of account mask information for approvers. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Reports
    • Requisition Status Report and Requisition Inquiry: In some instances, requisitions were showing as approved on these two reports before they were fully approved. These have been corrected.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • When using the Import Contracts or Import Unit Pay options, located under the Options menu in Employees, if the primary pay code is set up with Use Pay Code Defaults selected, when importing a pay code that has Use Primary Pay Code Expense Accounts selected, the system was not marking this box correctly.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Missouri: A new option, Missouri GASB 68 Report, has been added to the system to utilize when completing the reconciliation for GASB 68 with the Missouri Retirement Office. Since the Pay Groups, Deductions, and Pay Codes screens have a similar set up as the Balancing Information option, during the update we will copy the same selected items from that feature into the new Missouri GASB 68 Report. It is important to note that each screen should be verified and modified as necessary before viewing the generated data. Refer to the Missouri GASB 68 Report topic in the Help File.

Note: For those districts that have the Web Link module, you will also need to be at Web Link version (or higher, if applicable) since this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously. Web Link updates must be downloaded through the File Transfer Center and installed on the web server.

  • General Ledger>Data Entry
    • In Cash Receipt Entry, when trying to delete a detail line from a saved entry containing a Receivable Account, in some cases the system was returning an error. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Wyoming: When manually adding a line to the Edit screen in the Wyoming Annual Report, the system was returning an error when using N/A for the Project Number. This has been corrected.
    • Illinois: The Illinois State Board of Education has released a new FY2023 Budget Form, which has been added to the system. Also, the EstExp 12-20 information was not generating correctly. If you have already generated the budget report, you will need to regenerate Fiscal Year End 06/30/2023 to get the updated format and expenditure information.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Illinois: Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund will be updating their reporting process to a new format beginning this fall. To accommodate their change, we have added a new option: Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Report – New Format. Refer to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Report – New Format topic in the Help File. The retirement office will provide districts with additional details regarding the implementation and timeframe of their new interface.
    • Illinois: The Full Annual Rate and Sick Leave Personal Days were not generating based on the Fiscal Year End field from the Payroll Schedule for the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report. This has been corrected.
    • Missouri: The MOSIS option has been updated to include Baseline Salary Grant as a new Pay Type in the Pay Codes List on the Generate Core Data screen. When selected for a pay code, the appropriate amount will display in the Baseline Salary Grant column on the Edit Core Data screen and also be generated into the Baseline Salary Grant column when using the Update Salary/FTE button on the Edit School Data screen. The Missouri Educator Core Data Listing and Missouri Educator School Data Listing, located under the Reports menu, and Create Core Data File and Create School Data File, located under the Options menu, have all been updated to include the new field.
    • Nebraska: In the Nebraska Staff Reporting option, the Paraprofessional Assessment custom field and Default Value have been updated to include 5 for Allowable Locally Approved Means. Also, a new field for Days Worked has been added to the Staff Position Assignments screen and will be included on the Nebraska Staff Position Assignment Report and Create Staff Position Assignment File. The Assignment Codes have been updated and can be added to your list by using the Import Assignment Codes option located under the Options menu.
  • Payroll>Reports
    • Benefit Management Export – Census Information and Benefit Management Export – Deduction Information: These two new reports will assist in providing some of the applicable information for various benefit management companies, such as American Fidelity Assurance Company. The reports are designed to be exported to Microsoft Excel or ASCII (e.g. comma delimited) formats. The census export will include the employee’s name, social security number, address, primary and secondary phone numbers, email address, gender, position, pay periods per year, building ID (based on the selected Building Custom Referenced Field report parameter), and total salary (based on the Total Contract field from the employee’s wage for the selected fiscal year and pay code report parameters). The benefit export will include the employee’s social security number, employee ID, deduction name, rate description (from the rate table), payee name, employee amount and employer amount, (amounts based on the total from the employee deductions for the selected Deduction Frequency report parameter), pay periods per year, and tax status (designating Pre Tax if the deduction is cross referenced to federal income tax or After Tax if it is not cross referenced). These reports are not designed to be printed as the font is extremely small.

Web Link updates are available for download from the File Transfer Center:

Important Notes
Web Link updates must be installed on your web server, excluding School Accounting System-Online customers. If needed, contact your technology coordinator to install the update on the web server.

Since the Web Link product interacts with the School Accounting System and this update contains changes that affect both products simultaneously, you will also need to be at SAS version (or higher, if applicable).

Note: The Web Link module has been updated to target Microsoft .NET version 4.6.2. You will be prompted to install a newer version of .NET if your machine does not already contain the appropriate version.

  • Employee Information>Leaves
    • An employee’s leave was being displayed in the Leave Balance option even if the Hide on Check & in Web Link field was selected in the Employee File of the School Accounting System. This has been corrected.
    • If entering or editing the Start Date and End Date in the following options, the system will display a warning if the dates are more than 30 days different: Edit Leave Request Substitutes, Leave Request Approvals, Leave Request Entry, Leave Request Entry – FMLA, and Leave Request Inquiry.
  • Employee Information>Personal Information
    • If Host Site Manager for K12Docs was set up with a subfolder in a subfolder, the documents were not visible in the View/Add File Documents. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Maintenance
    • The Company Identification field, in the Direct Deposit Header Records option, has been updated to allow both numeric and alpha characters.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Illinois: The Illinois Annual Report for 2021-2022 and Illinois Budget Report for 2022-2023 are now available.
    • Kansas: The Kansas Budget Report for 2022-2023 is now available.
  • Accounts Payable>Options
    • The Company Identification field, in the Direct Deposit Header Records option, has been updated to allow both numeric and alpha characters.
  • Payroll
    • In some instances, voided expense payroll entries were displaying on various reports, including governmental reports, and should not have been. This has been corrected and districts with this issue will see an alert on their Payroll Master Menu to contact support.
  • Payroll>Options
    • The Company Identification field, in the Direct Deposit Header Records option, has been updated to allow both numeric and alpha characters.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • Illinois: The Include Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year End fields have been removed from the Report Options screen in the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report. Instead, the system will use the fiscal year end information from the designated Payroll Schedule.
    • Missouri: A new Wage Type, T for Non-Member Substitute Teaching WAR Waiver, has been added to the Custom Referenced Fields for use with the Missouri Retirement Report.
    • North Dakota: The North Dakota Workforce Safety & Insurance office requires organizations to use their template (which must be downloaded from within the MyWSI online portal) for workers compensation payroll reporting. The Create Report File option, located under the Options menu within the Workers Compensation Report by Class feature, has been updated to generate an Excel file containing the appropriate columns of information that can be copied and pasted onto the template. Also, see this FAQ in the Knowledge Base for more information.
  • Payroll>Reports
    • Payroll Register – Detail with Chart of Account Number: When selecting to print the negative numbers in red, on the Report Printing Options screen, some numbers were not being included. This has been corrected.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Missouri: When generating the Missouri Annual Report, several function codes were missing the location code. This has been corrected and if you have already generated the annual report for this year, we recommend you regenerate after installing this release to ensure accurate data.
    • Wyoming: Revenue code 81380 has been added to the Wyoming Annual Report. If you have already generated the annual report for this year, we recommend you regenerate after installing this release to ensure accurate data.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The Idaho State Tax Commission released new withholding tables on June 16, 2022. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • The Internal Revenue Service has issued a new 2022 Quarterly 941 to be used beginning with the 2nd quarter reporting. The system has been updated to include this new form. If you have already generated the 2nd quarter 941, we recommend you regenerate after installing this release because some fields have been closed and are no longer valid. To regenerate, select the Regenerate option located under the Options menu within the Quarterly 941 option.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Illinois: The Annual Report for 2021-2022 and Budget Report for 2022-2023 have not yet been released by the Illinois State Board of Education but will be included in a future update once they are available.
    • Iowa: The GASB 34 Reports for 2021-2022 are now available and there are no changes to the Annual Report process.
    • Kansas: The Budget Report for 2022-2023 has not yet been released by the Department of Education but will be included in a future update once it is available.
    • Missouri: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2021-2022 are now available.
    • Nebraska: The GASB 34 Reports for 2021-2022 are now available and there are no changes to the Annual Report process.
    • North Dakota: The Annual Reports, GASB 34 Reports, Certificate of Levy, Special Education Unit Budget, and ESSA Report for 2021-2022 are now available.
    • South Dakota: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2021-2022 are now available.
    • Wyoming: The Annual Report and GASB 34 Reports for 2021-2022 are now available. New this year, to have the system generate the appropriate project number on the annual report for the applicable account numbers, an account group for each project number defined by the state that your organization uses must be set up in the Account Groups option, located under the Maintenance menu, being sure to complete the Project Number field accordingly. For any account number that is not tied to an account group, N/A will automatically generate. Also, only the project numbers designated within the account groups in your data, in addition to N/A, will display when searching on the Project Number field on the Edit screen within the Wyoming Annual Report. Refer to the Wyoming Annual Report topic in the Help File.
  • Accounts Payable>Data Entry
    • If a user is invoicing a system generated purchase order and the invoice description is set to repeat, the prior invoice’s description will be maintained instead of displaying System Generated Purchase Order.
  • Payroll>Maintenance
    • The Comptroller of Maryland has released the withholding tables for 2022. If you haven’t already changed the tables manually, once this update is installed, you will have the appropriate tax table information. To view and verify this information, please print the document found here:
  • Payroll>Options
    • If entering or editing the Start Date and End Date in the following options, the system will display a warning if the dates are more than 30 days different: Edit Leave Request Substitutes, Leave Request Approvals, Leave Request Entry, Leave Request Entry – FMLA, and Leave Request Inquiry.
    • In Leave Request Inquiry, the Start Date and End Date fields can be changed if the leave request has a status of Approved and has been selected and brought into a batch of Employee Absences or Pay Period Entries (a posted or unposted batch).
    • Illinois: The Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report has been updated to accommodate the new Fiscal Year End requirement for Gemini which requires all files submitted starting June 15, 2022 include a fiscal year end value. If a file is created on June 15 or after, select the Include Fiscal Year End field located on the Report Options screen. The fiscal year end value will be generated from the Fiscal Year End field which has been added to the Payroll Schedule. If a file is created prior to June 15, do not select the Include Fiscal Year End checkbox. Also, in some instances if an employee’s wage was split between multiple chart of account numbers, the flexible benefit (FB) amount was not reporting correctly. This has been fixed.
  • Payroll>Options
    • Deduction Totals Report by Federal Form Box: This new report will group employees by federal form box ID and include both the employee and employer amounts. The report can be generated either by summary or detail information.
    • Employee Listing – Negotiation Information: Pay Code ID and Wage Page Code ID have been added as report parameters to this report.
  • Negotiations>Maintenance
    • Standard Agreement Form – Unit Employee: If using the UNITSTARTDATE reserved word in the Agreement Statement, the system will display either the Start Date field for the unit pay code from the Wages screen or the Default Unit Start Date as specified when printing the report if the Start Date field is blank.
  • Negotiations>Reports
    • Standard Agreement Form – Contract Employee and Standard Agreement Form – Unit Employee: Wage Pay Group ID has been added as a report parameter to these reports.
  • K12Docs Host Site Manager
    • In the Student_Records application, the field length has been increased to 20 digits in length for both the Student Number and State Student Number fields.
  • General Ledger>Government Reporting
    • Missouri: The Missouri SDAC report has been updated to include the quarter dates for 2022.
  • General Ledger>Reports
    • Adjust Posted Entries Listing: If a date was manually entered into the Created Date report parameter field, the report was not returning any data. This has been corrected.
  • Accounts Payable>Requisitions
    • In some instances, multiple comments for the same user were appearing in the Comments section on the Requisition Approvals screen. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Options
    • In some instances, the system was returning an error when viewing checks in the Employee/Payee Inquiry option. This has been corrected.
  • Payroll>Government Reporting
    • The 2022 Quarterly 941 and electronical filing process are included in this release. There are no changes to the Schedule B for tax year 2022.
    • Illinois: The Illinois Teachers Retirement Report, which is no longer used, has been renamed to Illinois Teachers Retirement Report – Old Format and moved to be under the Options menu within the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report option.
    • Missouri: The Term of Position field has been moved to the Wage Type row on the View/Edit Data screen in the Missouri Retirement Report in order for an employee to have multiple term of position values.
  • Payroll>Reports
    • Illinois Statement of Affairs – Employee Earnings: This Illinois only report will list employee earnings sorted by earnings amount and can be used to assist in completing the Annual Statement of Affairs report.
  • Negotiations>Maintenance
    • To allow greater flexibility in designing the Agreement Statement in the Agreement Form Setup – Contract Employee and Agreement Form Setup – Unit Employee options, several reserved words have been added to the system. Refer to the Agreement Form Setup – Contract Employee and Agreement Form Setup – Unit Employee topics in the Help File to view the available options. When the update is installed, the standard fields will automatically be added to the Agreement Statement in both options. We recommend you review the agreement statement fields and make any necessary changes.

Note: This update will be applied after 5pm on 2/21/2022.

  • K12Docs
    • A new Document Indexing HUB has been added to K12Docs. This feature is used with batch scanning and is accessed from the Document Indexing tab in K12Docs. When selected, users will have access to applicable applications and indexing lists for which to index and file documents. Once a list is selected, the batch of scanned documents will appear. As you work to index and file each document, complete the tabs from left to right on the screen. Use the Folder Indexes tab, along with the Search button, to select the folder in which to file the document, then pick the applicable Subfolder and complete the necessary Document Attributes. To finish filing the document, click the Commit button (or Commit (Append) button) or to retain the values for the folder indexes to use with the next document, click the Commit/Retain button (or Commit/Retain (Append) button). For step-by-step instructions, refer to the Document Indexing from Lists in K12Docs document.

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