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Training Tidbit: Pay Code Check Description in Employee File

Did you know that if two or more pay codes for an employee have the same check description (as entered on the Wages screen in the Employee File in Payroll), the pay codes will be combined on the employee check stubs and the Payroll Register reports? So if you need to set up employees with two or more pay codes in order to enter different expense account numbers for each and specify to only have deductions expensed from one of the pay codes (as based on the cross references), but need to have the total amounts print together on their check stubs, enter the pay codes with the same check descriptions.

For example, if an employee earns money from both a regular teaching contract and teacher supplemental pay, and you would like the amounts to show as one total on their check stub, enter two different contracts on the Wages screen in the Employee File using the same check description, such as TEACHER, for both the pay codes. Then by having the two different pay codes, the regular teaching contract can be cross referenced to the applicable deductions so they are expensed from the teacher instruction expense account, while the teacher supplemental contract would not have the deductions cross referenced.

For more information on setting up wages for an employee, refer to the Completing the Wages Screen in the Employee File topic in the Help File.