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Training Tidbit: How can I send an email to all employees based on a date in the software, such as a Physical Examination Date?

To send an email to a group of employees based on a certain date, like the physical examination date, the hire/rehire date, or a certificate expiration date, use the Select Email Criteria option in Human Resources.  The Select Email Criteria option can also be used to send an email to a group of employees with a certain benefit or based on a particular custom field.

For detailed instructions on completing the Select Email Criteria option in Human Resources, refer to the Sending an Email Using Select Email Criteria topic in the Help File, or click here to view the Select Email Criteria Tutorial.

Tip:  To send an email message to all employees when completing the Select Email Criteria option, select a field that appears in the Employee File for all employees, such as Hire/Rehire Date or Birth Date, and then leave the date range blank and click the Display button.  Then all the active employees display in the list for selection.