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FAQ: Can I do the South Dakota Accounting Manual chart of account changes in the School Accounting System before doing my annual report?

The majority of the South Dakota Accounting Manual chart of account changes that are effective July 1, 2016, can be completed prior to doing the 2015-2016 annual report, if desired.

Most of the changes involve pieces being split out in more detail (for example, 110 object split out to 111, 112, 113, 114, 119), and those changes can be completed prior to doing the annual report because all the detailed pieces will roll up to the correct piece on the report (for example, 11X objects will roll up to the 110 object for the 2015-2016 annual report). However, the one exception is the chart of account changes for object 473, as that should not be done prior to doing the annual report since it was previously tracked in objects 471 and 472.

For more information on crosswalking (changing) account numbers, refer to the Crosswalk Options topic in the Help File. Also, below are additional questions (and answers) relating to completing the chart of account changes.

  • What if I am already using a piece for something else; for example, what if I am using object 112 for something else? Answer: First, crosswalk that piece to something different and then complete the appropriate crosswalk option to utilize the new piece; for example, crosswalk object 112 to a different object number and then complete the appropriate crosswalk to utilize the new object 112 for Instructional Aides/Paraprofessionals Salaries.
  • Can I start doing my budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year now? Answer: Yes, you are able to start working on the budget for the new fiscal year now, but you will want to have all the crosswalks (changes) done prior to finalizing and posting the budget since all the new (changed) account numbers will need to be there in the new year’s budget.