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Training Tidbit: When writing Accounts Payable checks in the next fiscal year, is there a way to see which invoices had been expensed in the prior fiscal year?

Yes, when completing an Accounts Payable check cycle in the next fiscal year for invoices that were previously expensed, the reports below will have the invoices that were expensed noted.

1)  The Unpaid Invoices Report prints an asterisk by each invoice containing line items that were previously expensed, along with the notation at the bottom of the report indicating the asterisk denotes the invoice has expensed detail items.

2)  The board reports which were defined to include the Invoice Detail Expensed field (within the Board Report Setup option) print an X in the Invoice Detail Expensed field (column) for each detail line item that was expensed for an invoice.  (Note:  We have a complimentary template of a board report including the Invoice Detail Expensed field which can be downloaded from our website to import into the Board Report Setup option at your district; click here to access the template from the applicable Training Tidbit in the Knowledge Base.)

3)  The Detail Check Register prints an asterisk by each invoice detail line item that was expensed, along with the notation at the bottom of the report indicating the asterisk denotes an expensed invoice item.